Belly-it is the newest to appear on the Alan Sane show. Belly-it, is a so-called Karate master who tries to convince everyone to join Karate. Despite Belly-it's persistance, he cannot convince Alan Sane and Ivan Jefferies to join. No matter what Belly-it say's, nobody listens. Maybe one day Belly-it will get his way. Will Alan Sane, or Ivan Jefferies learns how to kick and punch just like Belly-it? HeeYaaaa!!! Stay tuned for more fun on the Alan Sane show..
Well you see, my name is Belly-it and i think you should join Karate! For only $10,000, you can feel confident walking down the block!!!! Even you can lose 5000 pounds just like me! See?

Belly-it, real name Steven, is making fun of a person at the karate school that we attened to. Alan Sane and Belly-it joined a karate school about 2 years ago. The people that worked there tried in every way to get us to join by saying that we can get a black belt very soon. First, they wanted to charge us over $1,000 for the first 3 months. They also said that if we joined right at that moment, we can bring home our uniforms!! WOW, exciting! So we joined for the hell of it. After about the 3rd time of attending the class, we noticed that our feet were black as anything! The floors were filled with everyones dirty feet. It was horrible to the point we didn't even want to go back. But now we had a bigger problem, In order to leave the class, we needed a doctors note, other wise we had to stay and pay. We had no choice. So finally,we had to go to the doctor and pretend that we were uncapable of moving certain mucles. After about 3 months, we finally got out. What really pissed us off was the fact that people were getting belts that couldn't ever walk! They just got their belts because they showed up to class, which is unfair! So Steven decided to do the Character Belly-it. Who by the way, is a real guy named Elliot who had a stomach down to the floor.He was the con artist who signed us up.
Belly-It with Ivan Jefferies
Belly-It in the Alan Sane studio